Cindy Laughlin

I want to commend you on yet another fabulous job you did! The videos truly make the evening special, and I love how you pull together a person’s life so perfectly!

Jamie Krents

I don’t think I’ve ever worked for an event OF ANY SCALE that was so well produced and coordinated and it was a pleasure for us to be a small part of it.

Albert Beauparlant

With your company producing very well-thought-out, professional video tributes it significantly raised the level of our annual induction gala. All board members agreed it was the best one yet. Congratulations!

Michael Benavente

The production was perfect last night. Thank you for running the show on time and with precision.

Joannie Hinman

Fantastic job with Pitch RI, Joe! There were a lot of moving pieces and you pulled them together beautifully! Well done!